About the blogs

This blog started as a journal of sorts for traveling and magickal workings.  These pages I kept electronically to later print to incorporate into a three ring binder.  The binder has meaning.  Within one years time I'm to take these recordings and incorporate them into the book, which then gets mailed to a very close friend.  That friend is also following this ritual.  She will in turn mail hers to another friend.  That friend will mail hers to me.  You see...sister hood of the traveling books.  *snort*

The rest of the blog is just random thoughts thrown out onto a computer screen.  If I can start a discussion regarding what lays within -- even better.  There may be a time or two that I will attempt some automatic-writing.  Wonder who could be channeled.  This and other experiments of Chaos Magick, Divination, and any other whim I get will be here in.

Because most of these writings started over three years ago, I will not (though I tried) put dates on them.  I find it too difficult to find later.  I will place all Traveler experiances under 2009, all current workings under 2010.
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