She arrived on a beach this time. The breeze was crisp, the waves dancing...the roaring sound of them crashing into the rock cliffs. The taste of salt is heavy in the air. She could feel sprays of water carried by the wind land on her face, arms, and legs. Her bare feet sink into the sand, and she can feel the crisp cold water wash over her ankles. The sky is gray, the water is gray with white foam, and before her is a rock face that the waves keep crashing over.
In the rock face is a tunnel with stairs leading down. Though carved from the rock and moist, the stairs are not slick. There are torches on the rock wall at intervals and though dark, there seams to be ample light. The waves crash against the rocks and She can hear it, even though she's inside the rock. At the bottom of the stairway is a landing. This opened up to the outside. She stepped out onto a ledge miles up into the sky. Mountains surrounded her. Below her was thick white clouds. She could see that above her was a light passage way. With the thought of her island, she closed her eyes and jumped into the open space – just to fly up to that light tunnel.
Belrizzo met her under the 'ancient one'. She was giddy, happy and playful; So was he. They greeted and she turned away to purify herself (ritually get rid of negativity in her stream). But she was interrupted by a low roar/rumble. It was a continuous chop-chop sound of a helicopter, and she could feel the low rumble. Above them she saw dozens of black forms moving fast.
“Wanna’ see?” Belrizzo asked. Grabbing her hand, they flew up. Before them were huge dragonflies. They were black(dark) on bottom, red on top, and sported green multi-faceted eyes. Their wings were transparent, but flashed red and green when in motion. It was these wings in flight that made such racket.
Upon permission, we each mounted a dragonfly of our own and held on for the ride. After a fun ride of a few dives and barrel rolls, Belrizzo said it was their to go.
“Where are they all going? To war?”
No answer.
They were headed down into darkness (a hole).
“We’re not ready for that yet.” Belrizzo said.....She could swear he looked after them longingly as they returned to the island. She purified and asked Belrizzo...”What should we do this time? Is it time for me to meet my power animal yet? I’ve been thinking. I think it might be a dragon.”
“You think you finally figured it out, huh?” He gave her a gold ring and told her to have fun.
“You aren’t going to meet it with me?”
“You have to do this on your own.” Then he was gone.....She hates when he does that.
Not knowing what to do, she sat under the tree to relax and let come what may. The grass was damp and the smell had a minty sour tang that she could taste like she was chewing on pine needles. Along with that smell came a wet sour smell. She realized she couldn’t hear the dragonflies anymore. They were gone. She could hear the stream nearby and feel the wind on her face and hear it in the trees. The bark on the tree was rough on her back.
She looked to the ring. It was gold and large. It grew large enough for her to stick it on her wrist. It turned pewter and took the form of a dragon biting it’s own tail....all the while continuing to grow. She felt compelled to step through it (which was harder than she took a lot of concentration to continue through the path). The next thing she knew she was flying over a magnificent mountain range. It was all white and blue and above very thick clouds. And the view – was from a top a dark, very large dragon. They plunged straight down - VERY FAST, but her panic was tempered by an overwhelming feeling of comfort and the support from the dragon. Another overwhelming feeling, this one of encouragement.
She voiced her joy and let go of fear. Taking Belrizzo’s advice she had fun enjoying the ride (all the while smiling smugly to herself.......”I’m a dragon rider”). They leveled off under the clouds for a split second before they plunged through a HUGE waterfall. Here she was unceremoniously dumped onto the floor of an enormous cavern. She was standing in front of a very large dragon and again felt a bit of panic that she quickly squelched. The head was at least two to three times her size.
After her inquiry of an element she was told “You tell me. I do, however, breath fire.”
“You breath fire, fly, live in the earth that is protected by water. Your colors run the gambit of the elements. You are balanced.
“Very good. I’m not one, I’m all.”
“Why did I have to wait all this time to meet you?”
“You weren’t ready. You had fears you refused to face. You weren’t looking. Your eyes were closed to me and focused on only ridding yourself of negativity. You forgot the whole. You pretend to be purity and light. Were there is light, there is always darkness. You need a balance of both. Come to terms with your darkness. Everyone has darkness. Ones self shines only on how one deals with it. I say embrace it.”
...........ultimately......that was the longest speech she had ever experienced while traveling. The dragon said more, but she don’t remember it. She thanked the dragon and thought of her island and Belrizzo.
When she opened her eyes, she stood before Belrizzon on her island. She looked at him curiously because he took on a very hot masculine shape ( he never takes a shape unless she asks him to). He hugged her and again she questioned this.
“I become a part of you when I touch you, even with a simple touch.”
“Why do you feel the need to do this?”
“I don’t need it; You do. You also need to learn to move in the astral plane. You rely on walking too much. Though when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”
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