The Scot...Life lesson awareness

She entered a meadow of yellowing grass about knee high. There was a slight breeze. The smell reminded her of Colorado, a dry, dusty smell. Something like standing in a wheat field. Sparrows were dancing on the breeze. A fox was walking into the woods. A rabbit was lunching. They both looked up at her.
She walked across the clearing to a short path through trees. The Traveler could see a large wall that looked to be made of white to light gray granite. An rod iron gate was there. She opened it and walked in.
White gravel pathways led around a huge garden. Rose, crocus, banana trees, ferns, peonies, and other vegetation were around in beds. There were white marble statues, mostly busts on pedestals, along the walkways and some stone benches scattered here and there. There was a large water fountain in the center of one of the paths. She walked that way. There wasn’t anyone else there.
Belrizzo was standing by the fountain and greeted her with a hug.
Thank you for taking the time to meet with me,” The Traveler greeted him.
I always have the time for you.”
I appreciate that.”
At this he looked sideways at her. “That’s my job.”
She looked sideways at him. “You could make your job easier if you didn’t talk in riddles.”
He smiled.
I want to learn about some of my past lives. What karma debts am I needing to pay? Could you give me some insight of the lessons I chose to, or need to, learn in this life?” The Traveler asked him.
He seemed glad that She asked this. “We’ll visit the Library of Akashik. Come, I’ll take you.”
We continue down the path to a marble building. “It is bothering me that I can’t find or meet my other spirit guide. Am I just not looking in the right place?” She wondered.
You are not ready. Only when you are ready to see will you not be blind to what is right in front of you.”
[Deep sigh] “Riddles again.” [Rolled eyes]
Belrizzo just smiled.
We got to the marble building that had large columns in the front and stairs that led up to a large porch-like landing. We went through double doors.
Like the exterior, the interior was huge. In the middle were tables and chairs. There were stairs on both sides that led to another floor, that was open (meaning there was just a walkway around the wall edged with a banister). On the second story there were stairs in the middle that led to another floor that was also open. From floor to ceiling on every wall on every story was rows and rows of books.
Belrizzo led her to a table and told her he would be back. He went to the second floor and grabbed a book and came back. The Traveler asked him “Can I pick the book?”
It would be better this time if I did,” he replied. “I want an easier book for you to start with and this one coincides with the questions you want answered.”
He opened the book. The pages were blank. Belrizzo told her “Clear your mind and look at the page.”
A cobweb appeared in the corner. An old broom swept it away. There was a woman in a dark gray stone room. The Traveler knew automatically that this woman was her. Traveler got the impression it was a kitchen or maybe a storage room/pantry. The Traveler tried to look at the woman. She took the physical features of the Traveler in a grayish, brownish dress.
You are picturing what you want to see. Clear your mind. Try again,” Belrizzo said.
Same thing. “I’m a slave?” The Traveler asked. Belrizzo just pointed to the book. (The woman) was kneeling on the floor throwing runes. They weren’t stone, they were bone, or wood. “I’m a Nordic slave?” Traveler asks Belrizzo.
Belrizzo turned the page. “Clear your mind. Look. Watch.”
Another blank page. The Traveler followed his instructions. This time (the woman) looked different. She was very tall with rather wide shoulders, and dressed in a drab dress and an apron-like thing. She was in a different room cleaning. Still dark stone. Her back was to the door. It was a bed chamber with a huge bed on the left wall. By the bed was a sword...a claymore some 5 feet long. A fire place was on the wall to the right. She was cleaning the ‘masters’ bedchamber; cleaning his personal things. She felt an intimacy she knew she shouldn't have.
The Traveler looked at Belrizzo with surprise. “Unexpected. It's one thing to watch, not read, a book. It's quite another to feel the emotions of the characters.”
The Traveler turned the page. Blank. (This woman) was in yet another room cleaning. “Sheesh,” thinks the Traveler, “maybe this is why I hate to clean....did it so much in past lives”. This was somewhat of a sitting room. Probably a suit to the ‘Lady’s’ bedchamber. While (she) was cleaning out the ashes in the fire place, an overweight woman came in. She was shorter than (Traveler). She had red hair. (Traveler) knew this was the masters wife. The lady of the manor/castle. She was unhappy with (her) over something really small. She told (her) something...The Traveler couldn’t hear what...then she slapped the shit out of (her). (She) looked up and saw the Lord standing in the doorway. He saw it happen. This intensified the feelings that (she) had; anger, frustration, a whole lot of embarrassment, hurt feelings. (She) walked fast from the room, holding (her) hand to (her) slapped face. (She) ran up the stone stairs to a separate floor. All the while (She) could hear those two yelling at each other. It must happen all the time, the yelling, because it felt like a commonplace thing.
The Traveler turned the page. Blank. The lord, a very tall, blond, broad shouldered, bearded man in a kilt was standing in front of (her). His kilt was dark green with blue lines. They were on the second floor and not much time seemed to have past. He said..”Gwendolyn, why don’t you take the rest of the day off. Go enjoy the sunshine.” 
Again the Traveler was surprised, for there was a language change, but she understood it perfectly. 
Promise of a day off made (Gwen) extremely happy (jumping inside). “Thank you, my lord.” (She) said with a huge smile. He lifted (her) chin and said to (her) “How many times do I have to tell you, it’s Eoin.”
The Traveler turned the page. The Traveler saw (her), Gwendolyn, a taller, big boned, rounded (soft) woman walking through a small field of blooming heather, the purple flowers a soft contrast to the green foliage. Gwendolyn took of her bonnet. Long blond hair blew in the wind. On the right side there was a stripe of black hair. Gwendolyn let go of the bonnet, that flew off behind her in the wind, and lifted her hands out. She seemed to be soaking up the sun? Maybe worshiping? She walked down to a wooded stream, and sat down. She ran her fingers through the water?
The Traveler turned the page. This time the Scottish lord was dressed for battle. He had braids and his claymore was strapped to his back. His kilt was dark green plaid. The lady was hanging on him, begging and pleading with him. He grabbed her arms and pulled them off of him, and physically set her aside. “Woman, get a hold of your self.” He seemed disgusted.
He then walked past her heading for the door. The Traveler (Gwendolyn) was at the door and stepped through behind him. Her head was up, back straight. She stood on the top step and watched as he got on his huge horse. He yelled something to the extent of “Lets go boys,” and 8 to 10 other warriors rode through the gate ahead of him.
He stopped and turned his horse around just before the gate. He stared right at Gwendolyn for a few minutes. She nodded her head and said quietly “Luck is with you my lord.” He then smiled, turned his horse, and rode out. Gwendolyn watched him until he was out of sight, then turned and walked tall passed the red haired Lady. The Lady shot daggers from her eyes.
The Traveler closed the book. “Okay, Bel, this is plenty of information for me to think about at the moment. Should we put the book back?”
Come, it will be taken care of.” They walked out. On the way back to the gate they talked again. In the end The Traveler didn’t feel that Gwendolyn was a slave, but hired help (not really that even...just so-much-as that was her job).
The Traveler ask Belrizzo “How did a Nordic woman end up in Scotland? And why do I keep getting a J name with the Scottish lord?”
Where she is from matters not to the lesson. That answer won’t help with finding the answers you are seeking. Why are we engrossed in names again? Names are not except to humans,” With a defeated look and a heavy sigh, Belrizzo answered. “The Scot’s name is Eoin McColum”.
What I would do but to get a straight answer from you,” she remarked with rolling eyes.
The Scot’s name is Eoin McColum,” he replied.


Witch of the West said...

Interestingly enough upon research there was such an Eoin McColum. The tartan fit perfect as well as the surrounding estates, though I found no reference of a Gwen. I did find out the curious J name I wanted to link to Eoin. Upon research Eoin, Ian, is English John. Of course none of the made sense until 2 years later I'm tied to this Eoin again, except his name is Mathew this time. We are to relive an experience until all karmatic ties have learned or are severed. A month or two later I revisited this Gwen where her and Eoin had a life (bed life anyway) together. To Eoin's dismay Gwen met a violent end to the hands of a jealous Lady.

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