Decided to have a special meditation with bath. Frankincense salt was added to hot water. A touch of apple cider vinegar and lavender oil. I lit candles to Kwan Yin (which statue came in the mail yesterday and I decided to dedicate the statue before the bath commenced). Lotus flowers came too. I floated an orange and a purple but left the pink out. Nag Champa was the incense I chose. I chose none of these save the salt and vinegar (thank you Summer). The apple cider preference was mine.
After the dedication I began my bath with Kwan Yin watching by my side. I was trying too hard and focusing on the wrong thing. As soon as I relaxed and let my mind go where it needed, I had a vision.
Gates pasted in front of me. I was instructed to choose a gate – which ever felt right at the time. The first gate of decorated wood carved flowers passed. Next a wrought iron gate with curled Victorian style motif. Then a dragon of the Vikings gate. The very next gate I chose. A bronze gate with a crowned bird aflame on it. The bird came to life and flew from the gate. It was not a bird of fire – a phoenix, but a peacock. It pushed the gate open a bit and flew inside. I put my hand on the gate to push it open more and allow myself to pass and I noticed that the bird on the front was still carved there and it was not a phoenix and more, nor a peacock, but some other crowned bird. (which I know now is a crowned crane).
I became this other crowned bird. I looked at my feed and they were webbed. I was outraged and appalled, those were not my feet! I was NOT webbed. They flashed back and forth a bit. I looked up and there is a road in front of me. It was broad, straight and inviting. It was also blue. Along the path on both sides were vibrant pink bushes. The foliage, flowers and stems – all pink.
Down the path I strolled. I felt a change and got another look of myself. I was no longer as vibrant as a phoenix nor as beautiful as the peacock nor as majestic as the crane, but a lowly, ugly emu/ostrich. I began to run. That is the nature of the ostrich – fear and run.
Then I was shown flame. A brilliant blue the color of a clean clear river straight from a glacier burned in front of me. I saw with not my eyes but with my being. “blue flame engulfs” the voice from before said.
The flame then turned a rich royal purple. “Purple flame revitalizes” the voice continued.
It was at this point that I “lost control” and visited various people in various forms with various messages of which none I can remember – but one. A woman with three faces and in her hand, a new born phoenix.