The Invisible Man

full moon ---- dream – detailed and not easily forgotten.

There was once a man that was blind. He walked with a black stick – tapping his way around. Everyday he took the same route down the same steps. The steps were wooden so the click-clicking of his stick could be heard every morning. Click, click down a set of steps to a landing, turn right one step, and click, click down another set toward another landing, turn right one step......

It was this click-clicking that warned another that too used the same set of stairs at the same time everyday. Though he could see just fine, no one else could see him. He was invisible save for the black derby cap he sported. He met the blind man with a stick on the first landing just like clockwork. He knew the blind man could not see him – he was used to no being seen. So on his way up, he would press himself against the wall out of the way on that first landing. The invisible man let the blind man take his one step and turn to the right before continuing on his way.

One day the blind man stopped and said “I know you are there and have been there every day”. The invisible man was shocked speechless. Here he was used to not being seen and it is a blind man – that can not see – that can truly see. The irony. Because no one answered, the blind man turned his one step and continued down the steps.

This continued for years. Though the blind man stopped periodically and said “I know you are there” or asked a question. The invisible man could never bring himself to speak and reveal his existence. Even if to just confirm a blind of his suspicions.

One day the invisible man with the black derby got to the first landing, and stepped up against the wall before realizing that he had not heard the click-clicking of the blind man's stick. Deep in thought the invisible man continued on his way. The same happened on the second day and again on the third.

The blind man was getting a procedure done and was recovering well with excellent results. In fact he recovered 40% of his sight. Soon he was walking again but used his stick more out of habit and as a security crutch than out of necessity.

Down the set of steps the not-so-blind man went and to his surprised saw a black derby hat floating by the wall. The blind man stopped and ask “is any one there?”; fore he knew that it was the same presence that was there every day for years, but had no proof. To which he got the normal reply of silence. The not-so blind man now believed that his procedure was failing as it is not possible for a hat to float on it's own and he had no choice but to believe his eyes. How dare this hat damage and debase his miracle of sight? Surely it had to be evil. He formulated a plan. He would take care of this abomination and destroy it.

The next morning he pretended to tap his way down the steps until he was walking past the floating derby. The not-so-blind man stabbed out with a hidden knife and plunged the blade into.....nothing but the wall. Confused, the blind man stared at the wall – empty for all but a derby hat, stapled to the plaster and his knife buried to the hilt where the derby hat should've sat on a head.

He was tricked! The invisible man knew the blind man's heart and protected himself from an untimely death. Upon the blind man's approach, the invisible man attached his hat to the wall and slipped away. It was in that second of realization that panic struck. The not-so-blind man's heart thundered and his breath quickened. He turn knowing he was out smarted and would pay the price. He had time to see a floating knife sink into his chest. To have sight only to see himself for who he really was and to see his own end.
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