Every travel begins with the first step.....

She felt that she was stagnant in life and she was frustrated with it. She threw the runes for help. They advise that she should grow more spiritually. She turned to her pendulum too, and it gave ‘fate decrees you are not to know/You are not ready’. She had to look closer to herself and learn from it. Crap, how does she do that? She's been attempting that for years through meditation.

It was a self-learned thing. Not long ago she experimented with going deeper and deeper into meditation. She flies through a tunnel, through time and space, and arrives at a floating island. It has a ring of trees around the outside (sometimes they are evergreens, some times deciduous). In the middle is a clearing carpeted in rich grass. Off to one side of the clearing is a stream. It spills over the edge into timelessness. Gracing the center of the island is the largest tree. She always refers to it as ‘the ancient’. She doesn't know why, it just seemed like a good idea. Like the trees around the edge of the island, the species of tree is subject to change. This is her place. She goes here to get rid of negativeness and all around bad ju-ju. She follows a ritual when she arrives, then relaxes, and returns to her normal life.
One time she arrived and there was someone there. She didn't recall what he looked like, she just recalled the overwhelming sense of annoyance, her annoyance. This someone followed her and kept chanting two words “Spirit Guide. Spirit Guide. Spirit Guide”. She wasn’t able to engage in her ritual, and seeing that she wasn’t going to have peace, she returned to contemplate why someone was on HER island.

She filled the bathtub with warm water and bath salts. Then she lit the four candles. After saying a prayer to the Divine for protection and guidance, she began to meditate.

Finding the consciousness’ tunnel of light, she allowed her spirit to fly up through it. She arrived at her small clearing. The center was graced by a large Cedar tree this time. Slightly to the side flowed her stream. She could smell the evergreens and the decomposing leaves and needles. This was comforting. There was a slight breeze, just enough to tease her hair. Here, she followed her ritual. She concentrated on gathering the darkness/negativeness within her to a center point at her solar plexus. When it had gathered she pulled it out, and through the black ball into the stream. It dissolved, looking like a living, dark smoke within the water, and the stream carried it away.

She turned and waited. Concentrating on meeting her Spirit Guide. She asked “Is my Spirit Guide here?” She saw him standing at the edge of the clearing with his arms open in welcome. At this time her soul cried out “BELRIZZO” and she was blinded by a flash of light. All she saw was white, all she smelled was white, all she heard, felt, tasted was white. She was white. She felt shock, extreme happiness, recognition, like greeting a loved one that has miraculously come back to life. The feeling was too intense and as a result she was jerked out of meditation.

After regaining control, she concentrated on breathing and returning to the right mind set. It didn’t take long. Back in the Cedar Meadow she saw him still standing there. She turned and ran toward her Spirit Guide, who enveloped her in a huge hug. He kissed the top of her head. She felt like she belonged here. Warm, comfortable, no negativeness at all.
Hello,” She said.
He replied with a nod, and she got a positive feeling.
Are you my Spirit Guide?” She asked.
Again a nod.
Is your name Belrizzo?”

Again a nod.
She stepped back to look at him. She couldn’t make out exactly what she was looking at, so she asked him “Can I see you?”
A hansom man appeared. Finely muscled, but not grotesquely ripped. He had a finely chiseled face with a small clef in his chin. His hair was light brown with highlights and was around shoulder length. His eyes were, blue? He was perfect, too perfect. He wore a simple toga.

Are you my only Spirit Guide?” She asked him.

How many do I have?”
3.” He replied as he placed a hand on her shoulder and turned her toward the stream. There within a crab pot was a crab. He was a large crab, colored blue, tan, and pink/red. He had one large pincher.
Are you one of my Spirit Guides?” she asked the crab.
What is your name?”

Atum,” the crab answered. “Stay the right track.”

A dragon head, resembling that of the Chinese dragon costumes came flying at her, right at her face. There wasn't a negative/panicked feeling, but she did pull back a little from meditation while telling the dragon head that no negative spirits were allowed here, only light, only my Guides.

She turned back to Jason and started to ask him questions.
Can I meet my other Spirit Guide?”
No. You are not ready.”

Did I know you in a different life?” she asked.
Yes,” he answered with a smile on his face. Here he proceeded to show her an Asian man and women running hand in hand. They both wore pointed straw hats. Her legs felt constricted, so she must have had a dress on. Her feet were getting wet, so she had either saddles, or no shoes at all. They were running up the incline of a slight hill. All around them was green rice fields. The sky was dark and bombs were exploding in the air. The explosions would light up the sky just enough to catch a glimpse of the smoke trails left from the exploding bombs. She sensed fear and panic. The man pulled the woman close and kissed her.

Are you my soul-mate?” She asked him.
He was silent for a long minute and told her “yes.”
What can you tell me about my relationship with my earthly husband?”
I can tell you that it is destined to end.”
Should I get a divorce?”
No. You are with him for a reason. You must fulfill that reason.”
Will I ever find the love that I am looking for, that I deserve?”
Not in this life time, you will not,” he answered slowly shaking his head no.
Were am I spiritually and how can I grow in that area?”
Belrizzo told her “You already know that answer. You have to look within yourself, then you will recognize. Listen for me in your dreams.”

She called an end to the meeting and returned to herself. She would love to stay and converse with them for longer, but that will come with practice. Next time she will talk to him about where she is spiritually and how she can grow more in that area. she feels she need guidance in this area, she has looked at herself, but was still left feeling bereft. Maybe sometime soon she will meet her other Spirit Guide too.
It then dawned on her. “I traveled! I traveled! I'm a traveler!”


Witch of the West said...

It wasn't until later what I understood what "soul mate" really is. In my romantic - hating my relationship (or lack thereof) with my then husband...I figured a soul mate was the one that was going to teach me deep feelings (as I was told in a previous travel). A soul mate is a soul that your own soul has a connection to. In truth we have multiple soul mates and reincarnate over and over with each other. Belrizzo being a soul mate is stating just that...in truth he's shown me as a twin flame - another side of myself. My study of him goes quite deep.

Summer said...

I've been reading about twin flames. I'm not sure if what I'm reading is correct or not, but here goes. Basically, what I've read states that every being has a twin flame. With angels, their twin flames in the same gender. With humans and Gods and Goddesses, their twin flames are opposite genders. Both souls were born at the same time, a part of the same energy. (similar to maternal twins being from the same zygote) Sometimes just two flip sides of a coin, or sometimes the same, but with certain aspects of personality stronger in one than the other....am I making sense? And, is this the basic idea?

Witch of the West said...

Exactly the idea....the Angel twin flame is new to me though. My twin flame is me - my missing part - my completeness - my opposites - weaknesses and strengths - teacher and student. It's funny, he's my guide and I'm his. He has to learn from me in his form....he's so very stuffy...but I'm loosening him up :) I'm not quite sure how to explain it, it is a deeper, closer relationship than any I've experienced or kown how to compare it to. From what I've gathered we have numerous twin flames...most of which we will not meet until the end...some you are just closer to. This is how it was explained to me...
We are like water. We start as small molacules that raise to the sky. The molicules grow and become rain to fall to the mountain top. The rain drop (you) flows to a puddle, to a stream, to a river, to the ocean --- all the while growing into something bigger and meeting more rain drops to become something bigger. The ocean would be compare to the ALL. I was given the gift of joining my flame for a second...two flames like from two separate candles come together and make one flame...there is no knowledge of separation....

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