I have a symbol on my door this time. It is a wavy circle with crisscrossing lines through it – much like a dream catcher. I noticed that the center of this symbol had a handle/knob so I pulled it causing the symbol to stretch and become 3d. It looked some what like an earth with latitude and longitude lines on it.
In the door done the hall, one of the cubical was glowing. Upon entering I saw a beautiful gown of blue velvet and another of green velvet. There was a cream silk under coat. The gowns were long sleeved, laced in the front around the ribs and split upon at the waist to show the undercoat. It was lined in spun gold and the other of silver.
A man's shoe? Lay on a shelf along with a few sprigs of trees/leaves – like holly. There were no toys or child like items. There was a diary though – hard leather bound.
The painting on the wall was a romantic like depiction of an woman (think mid-summers night). This woman was willowy and beautiful, long blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin, full of grace. She was wearing the blue gown and on her head a circlet. In her hand she held a tall staff – power symbol.
I began to read the diary
“Today was like any other day. Men wooing, using, and discarding. Humans get so boring. I show myself and they instantly fall in love. They write poems and songs, bring gifts, express undying love, stop eating and sleeping, and moan all the days until they see me again. Pitiful, really. Oh how I long for just one to keep my attention. I am beginning to cycle through them much faster now.”
Flip the page
“I've found one! He is the one! He's so handsome! Surely he will keep my attention. He's the one! I spied him at a lake. The best part is he can't see me. He didn't' even know I was there. I will return to him soon. I found that he is attached to a human girl already, but I plan to show myself to him.”
Flip the page
“He was able to see me when I showed myself. He is to return to the lake tonight. He will bring the bread and the cheese. I will pull him under to join us in the new realm. Humorous that the humans see us as evil. Yes we pull them under the waters, but it is not to their death. They live with us on the other side. It is only when their usefulness has a bated that they will be returned or disposed of.”
Flip the page
“He came with the bread and cheese and set them afloat in the lake. He saw me rise out of the water and walk to him. He was awestruck by my beauty. I saw behind him that his woman was running down the hill after him with tears in her eyes and his name on her lips. She looked and saw me as a beautiful woman afloat in a swan boat. He didn't even look back at her. For some reason I felt her pain. Pain? How can that be? Anger overcame me and I killed them both. So he wasn't the one – of course a human wouldn't be. Aw well.”
Flip the page
“At the customary dance, a new (clan ?) showed. A horned man danced with me all night. I found him quite entertaining. (the rest is not written just known...) He is young and horned like a stag with brown shoulder lengthen hair. He is going to stay with me. He has a curse on him in which he becomes a stag to return to this form once a month on the full moon. He's the one.”
Flip the page
The rest of the pages were empty. At this point my attention was drawn to the painting which began to blur and become a painting with a Victorian flair. A horned man and the blond woman were kneeling, heads bowed, in front on another man. They were dressed in the best most beautiful clothing. A wedding.
A great red stag walks through the forest at night. Perched on his back side saddle is the blond in the green gown. She talks to him, his ear cocked in attention.
Under the light of the full moon they dance, sing, and eat with others
The blond walks next to the stag during the day in the woods. They approach a pool to drink. She spies a hunter in brown using the trees as cover. He has his bow cocked and about to fire. She shows herself to him and raises her own bow. But she didn't have to fire for the man in horror bowed his head and took to running quickly away.
Under the light of the full moon the man and woman make love.
As time went by she found it harder and harder to show herself to anyone. Soon she could not. As time went by she found that her arrows didn't hit her marks anymore – but went through the target like it wasn't even there.
A man behind the tree, bow drawn. The blond sees it all and panics, screams, shoots the hunter with her own bow. But nothing happens. He can't hear her, or see her, and her arrow goes through him as if he were not there at all. The hunter releases his arrow which flies quickly to it's mark, stopping the stag in his tracks. Shot through the heart, the stag looks to the woman and lays down to die.
Heart broken from her lost love and realizing that she doesn't exist if humans don't believe in her, she dissipates and does not become.