Mental Intuitives

Summer, Jo, and I took the quiz in the book by Sherrie Dillard - just for fun. Summer and I scored highest on Mental Intuitives with Spiritual a close runner up.

For mental intuitives, the psychic spiritual journey is through the mind. This path leads them through the conscious, the unconscious, and then in to the super consciousness – the awareness that leads to divine wisdom, knowing, and being one with the thoughts of God. Mental intuitives have an innate desire to understand. Wisdom calls out to them, sending them impressions, beckoning to them to seek truth above all else. Mental intuitives are constantly being prodded from the depths of knowledge and intelligence. Their challenge is to transform their thinking from ego to enlightenment, to become one with the mind of God. The mind is energy. It's soul. It is continuously reflecting the divine spirit through thought, belief, and wisdom. Mental intuitive are thus attracted to knowledge and have a thirst to know, to learn, to expand their minds. Many are attracted to philosophy, science, and the various spiritual and religious schools of thought and metaphysics. Because their desire is to know, they love to study and discuss theories of creation, evolution, and existence on all levels. Their desire is to know humanity, to know God, to know what is. They are often systems-oriented, and can intuit logic, predict patterns, and perceive the whole. They also love to gather evidence and data to support their beliefs. Mental intuitive are drawn to astrology, numerology, healing though advanced technology, writing, and inventing. They are naturally mentally telepathic, as they have the gift of being able to receive the thoughts and ideas of others. They are inquisitive and can inspire others to believe and work toward improving conditions and issues on local and global problems. Mental intuitive can also be prophets who foretell the future of cultural, medical, and scientific trends and developments, and are thus drawn to work in these fields. They may be the first to invent or use evolutionary scientific or healing instruments. They may be at the forefront of medical advances. Their minds can be fully tuned to the super consciousness, absorbing truth and possibility. They are creators of the hope and promise that are advancing us into higher levels of wisdom.

The challenges

The mental intuitive, like all intuitive types, must work toward balance. When not in balance, mental intuitive can be viewed as geniuses, but slightly nutty, as they might not be able to communicate their ideas and thoughts to others. Mental intuitive can also become overwhelmed by their own thoughts. When our beliefs are not challenged, when we trust our small self to lead the way, we can create limitations and negativity. It is essential for a mental to receive thoughts from a higher source. The mind is a reflective pool that can become imbued with divine ideas and enlightened views. The mind can also become a cesspool of limited thoughts and restrictions. A regular meditation practice can be the conduit for a mental to fill his or her potential. These people must also guard against relying excessively on their thought processes. An open mind is much more beneficial than one that is constantly in thinking mode. Being able to quiet the mind and receive divine illumination will bring the mental to the rich inner garden of inner peace and joy. For many reason, mental intuitive are the most prominent psychics and metaphysicians in our culture. Mentals study paranormal phenomena, write books, advance the scientific approach, and argue for or against psychic validity. Working primarily though the sixth chakra, mental intuitives can be strong intellectuals and visionaries who can predict and intuit the future better than most of the types. They are in tune with the vibration of knowledge past, present, and future, along with the ageless wisdom of the higher realms. They may quickly receive insight into how to solve problems and issues that plague the planet. It is not unusual for a mental intuitive to have an instantaneous knowledge of the universal laws and the connections between science and spirituality. Mentals are often driven to manifest their ideas and visions in the physical world. They can have wonderful visions of events, odd inventions, even advanced cultures and technologies. If these ideas are infused with the energy of unconditional love and harmony of the emotional intuitive, they can be of true benefit to the world.

The Body

Someone who reads energy through the mind is likely to be prone to muscle tensions and stress. They might also suffer with panic, anxiety, insomnia, headaches, and sinus issues. The mind overloaded with energy may also inhibit decision-making and direct experience. The sixth chakra, located in the head, can become overstimulated and overworked. Mentals tend to be hard on themselves. They can place unrealistic expectations on what they can accomplish, often pushing themselves beyond what is reasonable. Physical exercise can help mental intuitives unwind and clear out their thoughts and reduce stress. They will often have a difficult time sitting in meditation. Their very active minds can find it hard to settle down in silence they will therefore benefit from a more active meditation, such as yoga or quiet walking in nature. When mentals become out of balance, they can feel isolated and undervalued. They can contribute so much and at the same time feel so little self-appreciation. They need love—spiritual love, romantic love, the love of friends and family. This is their balance, to give and to receive through the heart, but that can seem so indulgent to mental intuitives. Why feel, they ask, when you can contribute in a real way? They also can get hooked into finding proof, and the need to believe something is true only if it makes sense to their minds. Mentals are on a path of transformation of consciousness, and their task is to open their minds to divine illumination and to fuse their individuality with the all-knowing of God and to become one with Divine Mind. Because their thought processes can be so well-developed, mental intuitives must discipline themselves to become open vessels receiving the finely tuned, soothing vibrations from the higher mind, instead of just recycling their own thoughts and biases. Their greatest gift, the mind, is their path to spiritual freedom and realization. Along the way, they may prod us, astound us, even provoke us to new levels of knowledge. Mentals are always leading us to greater understanding and awareness of the world that we live in.
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