Spiritual Intuitive

Same quiz, same people.  Summer and I scored very closed on the Spiritual and the Mental.  Mental overpowered this one, but just slightly.
Spiritual intuitives draw their strength and power from the intangible world. Drawing upon their tremendous supernatural resources, they give us the gift of transcendence, the ability to rise above the mundane. They offer us a glimpse into the cosmos. They know better than others that this world is temporary, and they wait and yearn for what lies beyond. Spiritual intuitives live in the world of cause and effect with the memory of perfection. They can soar with the angels and converse with the divine. They call us into our highest spiritual knowing. The journey of spirituals is that of enlightened freedom. They are learning to live in the midst of duality with the awareness of oneness and non-being, unattached and unencumbered. Their home is beyond the skies; they are here in the physical world as visitors. More than any other type of intuitive, spiritual intuitives are able to live in the present They have a natural tendency for spontaneity and can quickly immerse themselves in the experience of bliss, ecstasy, and pleasure. They often do not have a planned agenda, goal, or destination, but are here to experience what is. Not the what is of this world, but the what is of eternal truth. Unfortunately, spiritual intuitives can have difficulty managing daily life. Because they are attuned to no time and live primarily in the present, they can have trouble with the more routine aspects of life such as paying bills, showing up on time , and keeping track of paperwork. Where a mental intuitive finds meaning and mystery in patterns and trends, the spiritual may rebel, feeling restricted and limited by the probable. Spiritual intuitives want freedom and openness. They want to be able to shift, to change like chameleons. They are not attached to form of any kind. To the spiritual what you see it temporary and not what you will get. Reality is without form.


Spiritual intuitives often have rich dream lives. In their dreams they might travel to distant locations, communicate with those who have departed the physical world, or visit mystical realms. Because their spirit frequently rises into the etheric currents, they are likely to have precognitive dreams and visions, which they might not always be able to understand. They are also likely to enjoy astral travel, which is the ability to send the consciousness and soul-self outside of the physical body to distant places. Especially when they were young, many spiritual intuitives have had encounters with spiritual beings such as loved ones who have passed over – ghosts or spirit entities and guides. Spiritual intuitives are often able to see and communicate with the spiritual realms in a natural, matter-of-fact way. Spiritual intuitives are likely to be attracted to energy work such as Reiki and healing touch. They also enjoy toning, chanting, and deep trance work. Because they work well with others, you will often find spiritual intuitives in groups. They take naturally to community, tend not to be ego-centered, and they often seek out spiritual teachers and leaders. Unless they find this communicate and a sense of belonging in the world, they can become lonely and lost. Spirituals do not naturally bond with the physical. They need to seek out an identity and a purpose to give meaning to their lives. This means spiritual can have a difficult time using their intuitive gifts in the world of the here and now. Many spirituals will tell me that they do not know why they are here on earth. Some have told me that they feel as if there has been a cosmic mistake, they feel they belong in the beyond, peacefully soaring the cosmic currents.


Because spirituals access intuition more outside the physical body that the other types, they can experience elevated states of ecstasy and bliss, only to plunge into deep despair and indifference. They can also suffer from headaches, dizziness, and a lack of physical vitality, and if they do not establish a meaningful connection with the physical world, they can become depressed or apathetic. Because they intuit through their higher chakras, their seventh and higher chakras are highly developed. Their challenge is to pace themselves and live in the world of matter. Some spiritual intuitives suffer from attention deficit disorder (ADD); their consciousness may quickly flit from one thing to anther. They may be like butterflies, only needing to lightly touch and observe ideas, objects, people, and thoughts in order to absorb their energy. They then drift away, freely moving whenever the breeze may take them. Spirituals may also experience thyroid and other glandular issues. Part of the function of the thyroid gland is to regulate how energy is used by the body. The pituitary and pineal glands accept spiritual energy, the adrenal glands generate fuel for the physical body, and the thyroid receives energy from both of these glands and works to regular and nourish the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual systems. The spirituals may not, however, always know how to use the rich storehouse of available spiritual and psychic energy, and this failure can manifest in glandular and endocrine system imbalances. When energy has no path for expression, it can become static and overcharged. Spirituals can thus benefit from the physical intuitiveness's natural ability to ground and use energy through the body. Massage therapy, healing touch, and yoga can help the spirituals come into balance. Career counseling, dream analysis, and breath work may also be helpful.
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