April Showers my ass....

To live in the west is like none other.  The wildlife here is intense and well as the vegetation.  EVERY thing flourishes here.  It's green here all year long.  I call the trees fuzzy because the bark of all the trees are graced with a fungus or moss of some sort.  Whom ever said that moss grows on the north side of a tree - has never been to western Washington....it grows all the fucking way around here - north be damned.  Ferns even grow on tree trunks here....

  ....if the damned loggers haven't cut it down yet.  Don't get me wrong, I don't disagree with the logging as long as it is treated as a crop.  Being treated as a crop means that it is always replenished.  I've noticed as well that though logging plots of land drastically change the shape of the landscape, it moves the wildlife around.  For instance a reprod is a section of a logged area that has been replanted and left to grow.  The trees here grow very thick and provides wildlife ultimate security.  A clear cut is an area that has been logged and not yet replanted.  This area is now open and allows grass to grow which becomes a favorite for wildlife (specially the herbavors) to feed.  The down side of this is that unlike corn or wheat, trees take MUCH longer to grow to harvest size.  I think it's a fucking shame that we've cut to human content and an old growth forest (a forest that has not been logged).  Not to mention that to walk down a road to see that the young forest you've been aquainted with for the last few years has been cut the fuck down....unspeakably sucks...

I've had the privilege of walking through and sleeping in and speaking with old growth forests here.  They sport firs, cedars, and pines older than 600 years old - great, proud, royal, strong spirits that grace this earth.  To just walk below thieir boughs listening to the birds is powerful, but to see a buck walk out infront of you and look at you with some surprise before santering off....or to hear a bull elk's screaming bugle will lift the hair on your neck and arms.  This last weekend I was sitting on the edge of a meadow waiting for dusk to catch a glimps of a nearby elk herd when three very playfull and curious grey jays came to talk to me.  And talk they did as well as perch on my knee and check me out real carefully before taking their banter elsewhere.

But the rain!! The fucking rain, Rain, RAIN!!  Yes, yes, I know, I know it must rain in order to get the vegistation to thrive.  But come on!! After 9 months out of the year...I get tired of using makeup to cover up my damned gills.  You would think that when it rains non-stop you wouldn't have to wash your car...WRONG.  If you don't mold grows all over it.  I shit you not.  Noah, if you are reading this, give me a call I need instructions as to build a huge fuck-off ark...k?

...But the 3 months it doesn't rain every day....bliss!  Nothing beats a ritual in the night forest!  THAT is when I love Washington.  However an outside ritual in the winter is near to impossible if you want to use all the promps and tools.  Ever try to light a candle when the whole fucking candle is soaked despite your best efforts to keep it dry.....or to find anything dry to have a small ritual fire - laughable.  Not to mention it takes the mood right out of a ritual when you slip and fall into the mud....trying to get through the ritual soaked, mud caked, and freezing is a lesson on self disapline I can tell you.  You'd better have all your notes memorized becuase you won't be able to read rain slogged paper.  Keeping the salt dry is another trick I've not learned either...not to mention the incense.  That is why, my dears, that western witches are so pale...from having their rituals indoors. :)


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