Our behavior is human with a sliver of animal, our souls animal with a sliver of human

I believe that souls have an evolution (for lack of a better word)...each ending with all lessons learned and joining the ALL. Much like giving our energy back....recharging the source we've been birthed. OR a de-evolution (if you will) for lessons not learned, stagnation, or major fuck-ups until that lesson/karmatic tie is experienced and learned (here's my example of Hell discussed on a previous forum). Example someone that denotes too much evil is demoted to a lesser life form. This could explain our cockroach population. “Lesser” life form....will be explored later. With that said though, I don't believe there is a difference in souls. 

 Mathew and I hashed it out last night and we've decided that the following makes the most sense to us. Though each soul goes through transitions, souls do not differ from life form to life form. For example a tree's or a cockroach's soul is no different that a human's soul. The only only difference is physical capacity (this hits with why humans have the need to feel superior to all other beings). We did however argue if a rocks soul is the collective conscious of the Earth or some thing bigger....or even if collective conscious stops at Earth....(I think on larger terms than my Mathew...but yup he has pagan DNA...). 

Physical capacity – brain power and movement/coordination abilities. Human usage of a larger brain gives them the advantage of recording histories, creativeness (tools, paintings, music), expression. The physical ability to make and use the tools to create our expressions. We deducted these reasons by the actions some would call 'too-human' of animals (of which I've listed below a few that we used during debate).

Humans are the only ones that are preoccupied over death.  No.  Elephants for example have been recorded having a funeral rite in which they pulled grass and tree branches and covered their dead Matriarchs body. The daughter of the deceased was witnessed returning to the grave and shedding tears and fondling the bones on a regular basis for years. 

Humans are the only ones that murder (take life without survival in mind).  Another is the newly documented recordings of a grizzly bear upon awakening from hibernation early went around to the black bears dens in the area and murdering them for fun. I say murdering because the black bears were still in hibernation and never had a chance to defend themselves. 

Humans are the only ones that enjoy sex.  No.  Look into Bonobo Monkeys sometime (yikes).  Humans are the only ones that force/take sex.  No.  Bachelor dolphins have been documented to corner and rape unwilling females. 

This brings me to and reminds me of an experiment we did in earth science while in high school. We started with a 10 gallon tank and three mice – two females and one male. Having a gestation of just 20 days, litters of 6 and 10, and babies becoming sexually active in less than two months, it didn't take long before the tank was overflowing! There were mice everywhere. The hare may be a futility symbol, but someone missed the mouse! We recorded all of our findings, feed, watered, and cleaned the tank on a daily basis. The cleaning and recording began to get very interesting after four months. With 20 +/- mice overpopulation behavior began. Though provided with a diverse and ample diet, mothers began to eat the newborn babies. Homosexuality became commonplace. Murder ran rampant. Bachelor mice formed gangs and caused mischief like biting off others' tails. 

This has been shown again in the wolves in Idaho. Due to them being domesticated and showing lack of wolf pack behavior, breeding ran rampant. In normal pack society only the Matriarchs are allowed to breed – usually but not always. However in the wolf packs in Idaho all the females whelped pups. This over population and having ample food led to sporting kill....the chase and kill of elk, deer, and moose for the fun of it....carcass left uneaten. It was noted too that more and more collared wolves are showing up dead with signs of a fight from canine. 

So, animals have sex for enjoyment, their morals are as questionable as ours, their intelligence, though questioned, has proven to be more than we give credit.

This brought us to the question of how much of this behavior can really be pinpointed to overpopulation? Chimpanzees in an under populated forest still rape and kill..... How much of this is “emotion” ...the philosophy of consciousness and mind, and how much of this is reaction to stimuli, is “hard wired”?  IE: Elephant = consciousness and mind = the real response & understanding of death.  IE: Chick = hard wire = runs for cover when sees a shadow from above.  Is it pure 'instinct' passed down with evolution?

We both agree that evolution is bunk. I would lean more to alien experiment before I would argue that we came from millions of generations of monkeys. That however, is an argument for a different post.


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