WARNING: side effects to many Christians are heart palpitations, hyperventilation, bleeding eyes, bleeding ears if read aloud, anger, sudden impulse to show all those nasty people the ONLY WAY -- Christ Jesus, Lord and Savior, prayer and forgiveness for said nasty people. Read at your own risk.
Christianity is not a gentle religion. Not to mention the books are all very....violent...interesting, but violent. Leviticus reads like a cookbook when it comes to offerings; the next books read of war (which many of the tactics used in the Bible are used to this day in our war tactics); God gets pissed and kills every one in a flood (by the way in EVERY cultural myth - before Christ's coming). Old Testament is violent and the ways were different...more...pagan. But it is OK and all explained away, because the prophet Jesus Christ sacrificed himself on the cross (which too is in MANY cultural myths - before Christ's coming)....such is the differences between the two testaments. Of course it focuses on the brutal punishment that Jesus suffered, but didn't touch at how Christians persecuted other pagans in that era. “You are fucking wrong!.....And I will torture you for it!”.....how.....primitive. They were both wrong. Anger bred hatred which bred death which was excused by the name of one God or another. That is wrong no matter which God you kill for. Christians did it to Pagans, Pagans did it back to Christians, Christians did it back to Pagans....history shall wheel itself..... We are still at it, my friends. Such is the way of life...is the way of nature.
Christianity is not a gentle religion. Not to mention the books are all very....violent...interesting, but violent. Leviticus reads like a cookbook when it comes to offerings; the next books read of war (which many of the tactics used in the Bible are used to this day in our war tactics); God gets pissed and kills every one in a flood (by the way in EVERY cultural myth - before Christ's coming). Old Testament is violent and the ways were different...more...pagan. But it is OK and all explained away, because the prophet Jesus Christ sacrificed himself on the cross (which too is in MANY cultural myths - before Christ's coming)....such is the differences between the two testaments. Of course it focuses on the brutal punishment that Jesus suffered, but didn't touch at how Christians persecuted other pagans in that era. “You are fucking wrong!.....And I will torture you for it!”.....how.....primitive. They were both wrong. Anger bred hatred which bred death which was excused by the name of one God or another. That is wrong no matter which God you kill for. Christians did it to Pagans, Pagans did it back to Christians, Christians did it back to Pagans....history shall wheel itself..... We are still at it, my friends. Such is the way of life...is the way of nature.
What I never agreed with was the negative force that Christian portrays when “preaching”. You MUST believe that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior or burn for eternity in a lake of fire....But Wait! What about God? Jesus is only a SON of God...NOT God. Why would ANYONE have to believe in a son in order to be saved by GOD? Well, unbeliever, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are different, but are one and the same....like an egg has three parts, shell, yoke, white, but it is still an egg..... Holy bird-shit Robin!....sounds a lot Pagan! Unbeliever, Christ died for your sins as that you many now have a chance at heaven not hell....sacrificing himself....with much human emotion.
Another point – Christianity is a NEW religion (regardless as to what their followers will say). All that is within the myths had already been reflected in other cultures. However, Christianity holds one champion over all others – blood. It is the MOST bloody religion on Earth (yup including all those nasty Pagan sacrifices). Christians are fueled to “turn” everyone....regardless if they must burn them at the stake, shoot them with a gun, or visit your porch step and shove it down your throat. So...killing is OK if done in the name of Jesus. Don't believe me? Read above....view point forced down throats in a negative manner.... Sigh
Christians have Pagan DNA ---
For mystical reasons the Church prescribes that the candles used at Mass and at other liturgical functions be made of beeswax (luminaria cerea. — Missale Rom., De Defectibus, X, I; Cong. Sac. Rites, 4 September, 1875). The pure wax extracted by bees from flowers symbolizes the pure flesh of Christ received from His Virgin Mother, the wick signifies the soul of Christ, and the flame represents His divinity. Although the two latter properties are found in all kinds of candles, the first is proper of beeswax candles only. It is, however, not necessary that they be made of beeswax without any admixture. The paschal candle and the two candlesex cera apum saltem in maxima parte, but the other candles in majori vel notabili quantitate ex eadem cera (Cong. Sac. Rit., 14 December, 1904). Son of a ….... this is starting to read like my Book of Shadows. Dudes, don't even try. Candles are used by more Christian faiths than just Catholicism – light of Christ, Don't hid it under a bush – oh, no! (those of you who have done the whole Sunday School thing know exactly what I mean).
Incense, with its sweet-smelling perfume and high-ascending smoke, is typical of the good Christian's, which, enkindled in the heart by the fire of God's love and exhaling the odour of Christ, rises up a pleasing offering in His sight (cf. Amalarius, "De eccles. officiis" in P.L., CV). Incensing is the act of imparting the odour of incense. The censer is held in the right hand at the height of the breast, and grasped by the chain near the cover; the left hand, holding the top of the chain, is placed on the breast. The censer is then raised upwards to the height of the eyes, given an outward motion and slightly ascending towards the object to be incensed, and at once brought back to the starting point. This constitutes a single swing. For a double swing the outward motion should be repeated, the second movement being more pronounced than the first. The dignity of the person or thing will determine whether the swing is to be single or double, and also whether one swing or more are to be given....crap...they'd have to swing it like a helicopter propeller for me. ;) Again, not just the Catholic branch uses incense. Psalm 141 (140), verse 2: "Let my prayer be directed as incense in thy sight: the lifting up of my hands, as evening sacrifice." Yeah, before you try, it is in the New Testament as the "golden bowl full of incense" are "the prayers of the saints" (Revelation 5:8, cf. Revelation 8:3) which infuse upwards towards the altar of God.
First off Pagan Gods and Goddesses became Saints. There are too many for me to get into here, but if wanted can on a different post. Yeah, I have a section much like this in my Book of Shadows too. It's called DemiGods.
Man, I don't even know where to start with this one. The virgin birth, the birth witnesses and gifts, the healing and other miricals, his minastry, the fishing, the last supper, the arrest, the crusificion and the reserection all in ancient religions before Christianity. He is part of the Holy Trinity (yup, Pagan, you know what that is). There are many more, but I've lost interest. If you want more, it can be posted later.
Mother Mary:
This is another big one that has too many facets to describe now. Just like the Saints he sits a seat in the Catholic and Christian church and the “mother” (Juno, Athor, Hestia, Virgo Diepara....etc depending on the area/culture. Pagans have no problems seeing this for what it is – classic Idology.
Christan Holidays:
Christan Holidays:
Christmas, Easter – must we really? These history examples are easy enough to find. Basis – Tree, songs, gifts, light, greenery...all pagan. Jesus was not born in December, blah, blah, blah. Basis – hare, eggs, colored hidden eggs, hot cross buns. Yaddah, yaddah, yaddah.
Holy Communion:
It was a tradition of eating and drinking the body and blood of a holy man god who died for the sake and sins of mankind. The Christians were not the first ones to do the holy communion. It was actually the Roman pagan followers of the Roman god Bacchus. You really should see the face of the Christian when you tell them it originated with the god of wine and beer and earthly pleasures....priceless.
They didn't come up with anything new that the other religions followed, -- only forced-will on others and an attempted monotheism (see below for explanation of attempted). Of course when you state such, Christians deny it...then pray for you...or negatively force their view down your throat. Organized religion is just plain dangerous....and causes those to miss the point of religion in the first place. Getting wrapped up about “I'm right and You're wrong” is NOT the point. It is the internal development of a person – morals, ethics, faith, values, spirit, etc, etc, etc. It is but the individual that must deal with what is, what should be, and what will become. It is NOT the right for ALL to play the shepherd when they are too but sheep.
They didn't come up with anything new that the other religions followed, -- only forced-will on others and an attempted monotheism (see below for explanation of attempted). Of course when you state such, Christians deny it...then pray for you...or negatively force their view down your throat. Organized religion is just plain dangerous....and causes those to miss the point of religion in the first place. Getting wrapped up about “I'm right and You're wrong” is NOT the point. It is the internal development of a person – morals, ethics, faith, values, spirit, etc, etc, etc. It is but the individual that must deal with what is, what should be, and what will become. It is NOT the right for ALL to play the shepherd when they are too but sheep.
Claiming Monotheism is actually harder than the Christian faith would want you to believe. Monotheism is the belief in one God. not plurality of the divine. Hmmm....the Trinity, in which God is one being in three eternal persons (the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit)...not Monotheism. Additionally, most Christian churches teach Jesus to be two natures (divine and human), each possessing the full attributes of that nature, without mixture or intermingling of those attributes...not Monotheism Not to mention that God refers to himself as plural – Us, We. Not until Isaiah is it understand that HE is the first, last and there are no other gods but Him. This is so shot full of holes, it's not even fun any more.