
There's been so much new activity lately and most if not all is centered around empathy, so I thought to post a bit about it. 

Empathy is one's ability to recognize, perceive and directly feel the emotion of another person. As the states of mind, beliefs, and desires of others are intertwined with their emotions, one with empathy for another may often be able to more effectively divine another's modes of thought and mood. Empathy is often characterized as the ability to "put oneself into another's shoes", or experiencing the outlook or emotions of another being within oneself, a sort of emotional resonance. In fiction, especially science fiction or fantasy works, it may also refer to (or be associated with) a supernatural ability to read others' emotions through psychic means.

An example of this are the Betazoids of Star Trek.

Most psychics have empathic abilities, either developed through time and experience, or inherent from childhood.

While the ability to imagine oneself as another person is a sophisticated imaginative process that only fully develops with time, as later on in life, or with considerable training, or investigation, or imagination, the roots of such ability are probably innate to the empathizer's life, training, or investigation.
Human capacity to recognize the emotions of another is related to one's imitative capacities, and seems to be grounded in one's innate capacity to associate the bodily movements and facial expressions one sees in another with the proprioceptive feelings of one's corresponding movements or expressions.
Humans also seem to make the same immediate connection between the tone of voice, and body language of another and one's inner feeling. Hence, by looking at the facial expressions or bodily movements of another, or by hearing another's tone of voice, one may be able to get an immediate sense of how another seems to feel on the inside. One experiences this as anything in a range, from understanding, to directly experiencing, or to feeling another's emotion (say, sadness or anger), rather than just noting the behavioral symptoms of another's emotion. But clinicians must take care not to over-invest their own emotions at the risk of draining away their own resourcefulness; thus awareness of one's own limitations is prudent in a clinical situation, as in caregiving.

More fully developed empathy requires more than simply recognizing another's emotional state. Since emotions are typically directed towards objects or states of affairs (either real or imaginary), the empathiser first requires some idea of what that object might be.

Next, the empathiser must determine how the emotional feeling will significantly affect the way in which he perceives the other person. The empathizer needs to determine the aspects of the person upon which to focus.

Hence he must not only recognize the person toward which the other is directed, but also then recognize the bodily feeling, and then add these components together. The empathiser needs next to find the way into the loop where perception of the other person generates feeling. That feeling affects the perception of the other person. This process occurs before taking in account the character of the other person as well as their wider non-psychological context (such as being short or being a lawyer).

When seeking to communicate with another, it may be helpful to demonstrate empathy with the other, to open-up the channel of communication with the other. In this case two methods of simulating empathy are possible:
    a) either simulate the pretend beliefs, desires, character traits and context of the other and see what emotional feelings this leads to; b) or simulate the emotional feeling directly perceived and then look around for a suitable reason for this to fit. Either way, full empathetic engagement is supposed to help to understand and anticipate the behavior of the other.
Empathy may be painful to oneself: seeing the pain of others, especially as broadcasted by mass media, can cause one temporary or permanent clinical depression; a phenomenon which is sometimes called weltschmerz.
One must be careful not to confuse empathy with either sympathy, emotional contagion or telepathy. Sympathy is the feeling of compassion for another, the wish to see them better or happier, often described as "feeling sorry" for someone. Emotional contagion is when a person (especially a child or a person in a mob) identifies with strong emotions others are showing and becomes subject to the same emotions themselves. Telepathy is a controversial paranormal phenomenon, which differs in that empathy is based not upon the paranormal but upon sophisticated processing of what is seen and heard in the usual way.
    Sympathy is, "I'm sorry for your pain." Emotional Contagion is, "I feel your pain." Empathy is, "I understand how you feel." Telepathy is, "I know how you feel because I'm reading your mind."
Psychological Perspectives
Some experts (psychologists, psychiatrists, and other scientists) believe that not all humans have an ability to feel empathy or perceive the emotions of others. For instance, Autism and related conditions such as Asperger's syndrome are often (but not always) characterized by an apparent reduced ability to empathize with others. The interaction between empathy and autism spectrum disorders is a complex and ongoing field of research, and is discussed in detail below.

According to Simon Baron-Cohen's ideas, this absence might be related to an absence of theory of mind (i.e., the ability to model another's world view using either a theory-like analogy between oneself and others, or the ability to simulate pretend mental states and then apply the consequences of these simulations to others). Again, not all autistics fit this pattern, and the theory remains controversial.

In contrast, psychopaths are seemingly able to demonstrate the appearance of sensing the emotions of others with such a theory of mind, often demonstrating care and friendship in a convincing manner, and can use this ability to charm or manipulate, but they crucially lack the sympathy or compassion that empathy often leads to. Empathy certainly does not guarantee benevolence. The same ability may underlie schadenfreude (taking pleasure in the pain of another entity) and sadism (being sexually gratified through the infliction of pain or humiliation on another person).

Moreover, some research suggests that people are more able and willing to empathize with those most similar to themselves. In particular, empathy increases with similarities in culture and living conditions. We are also more likely to empathize with those with which we interact more frequently.

Developing skills of empathy is often a central theme in the recovery process for drug addicts.
Even more, people can empathize with animals. As such, empathy is thought to be a driving psychological force behind the animal rights movement (an example of sympathy), whether or not using empathy is justified by any real similarity between the emotional experiences of animals and humans.

Empathy and Autism Spectrum Disorders
A common source of confusion in analyzing the interactions between empathy and ASD is that the apparent lack of empathy may mask at least two other underlying causes:
  • Excessive sensitivity or "overwhelm," may be a cause of early learned suppression.
  • Failure to demonstrate empathy can arise from inability (or not knowing how) to express empathy to others, as opposed to difficulty feeling it internally.
A higher level of empathy is sometimes reported by individuals with mild or high functioning Asperger's syndrome, especially to animals and to other deeply held emotions in people - anecdotally this may more often be so with "high-functioning" individuals, or possibly, the strength of negative empathic feelings with people might itself have been a contributing cause of retreat into self.

Empathy in animals
Some students of animal behavior claim that empathy is not restricted to humans as the definition implies. Examples include dolphins saving humans from drowning or from shark attacks, and a multitude of behaviors observed in primates, both in captivity and in the wild. Rodents have been shown to demonstrate empathy for cagemates (but not strangers) in pain.

Organic basis
Research in recent years has focused on possible brain processes as concomitant with empathy.Functional imaging has recently been employed to investigate the functional anatomy of empathy: Farrow et al found that empathic judgments activated left superior frontal gyrus, orbitofrontal gyrus, precuneus, left anterior middle temporal gyrus and inferior frontal gyrus. Components of this circuit may be dysfunctional in psychopathy (Tunstall N., Fahy T. and McGuire P. in: Guide to Neuroimaging in Psychiatry, Eds. Fu C et al, Martin Dunitz: London 2003). Furthermore, the discovery of mirror neurons in monkeys that fire both when the creature watches another perform an action as well as when they themselves perform it presents a possible neural mechanism for mapping others' feelings onto one's own nervous system.

In Bower (2005) the function of these mirror cells was further investigated. They may be related to awareness of the goal-directedness of actions. These neurons "may be responsible for understanding the intention of action in other people," Kiyoshi Nakahara and Yasushi Miyashita, both of the University of Tokyo School of Medicine said in a note which accompanies the Bower action.

Dapretto et al. (2006) found that, as opposed to normally developing children, high-functioning children with autism showed no mirror neuron activity in the brain's inferior frontal gyrus (pars opercularis) while imitating and observing emotional expressions. The authors suggest this supports the hypothesis that a dysfunctional mirror neuron system may underlie the social deficits observed in autism.

Development of empathy
By the age of 2, children normally begin to display the fundamental behaviors of empathy by having an emotional response that corresponds with another person. Sometimes, toddlers will comfort others or show concern for them as early as 24 months of age. Also during the second year, toddlers will play games of falsehood or "pretend" in an effort to fool others, and this requires that the child know what others believe before he or she can manipulate those beliefs.

Other Aspects
In addition to the above use, the term empathy is also used by some people to signify their heightened or higher sensitivity to the emotions and state of others. This, reportedly, can lead to both positive aspects such as a more skilled instinct for what is "behind the scenes" with people, but also to difficulties such as rapid over-stimulation, overwhelm or stress caused by an inability to protect oneself from this so-called 'pick-up'. Such people may for example find crowds stressful simply due to picking up what is often described as "white noise" or multiple emotions as they pass through it, a phenomenon not to be confused with agoraphobia and sometimes informally known as crowd-sickness.

Empathy in this sense is ascribed by such people to various mechanisms. These include simply more sophisticated subconscious processing of sensory cues or stronger emotional feedback than the norm, (i.e. the normal human experience but more so), and therefore fit within present models. Some people, perhaps due to synesthesia, believe it instead to be a direct emotional sense or a feel for others' "energy".

The New Age religion has constructed a belief system around anecdotal evidence of persons who claim to be "empaths" in this sense. This aspect of empathy is not clinically recognized, and someone calling themselves an "empath" usually does not intend to imply that they are gifted with any psychic ability.

A recurrent theme of discussion on such websites relates to the impact upon individuals, and therefore also methods (including mental practices, emotional processes and ritual) which anecdotally can help reduce the intensity of empathic reactions to others' feelings to a more bearable level (informally called 'shielding' or emotional detachment).

The Earth Horse in Summer ('78)

Sabrina Liao (Chinese Astrology)
Horse people are active and energetic. You are quite confident and eager to try new things. To you, life is like a voyage, and you simply can't wait to discover what is ahead of you. Independent and versatile, you can do everything on your own, you listen to no one and refuse any offers of help. Enthusiastic and frank, you are quite lovable and easy to get along with.

You care a great deal about how others perceive you. You've got plenty of sex appeal and know how to dress to impress instead of to show off your style or fashion. Clothes in bright colors are your top choices, and you enjoy admiring yourself in front of the mirror. You like to exercise outdoors, and you're usually wearing a tan. You make sure you always look your best.

Charming and cheerful, you are very likable. Your vivacity and enthusiasm make you popular. Most of the time, you hang out with a regular group of friends. Nevertheless, unlike Rabbits, who like to stay at their own “level” horse people have friends from al lwalks of life. On Monday, you might have dinner with a friend who works at the White House, and then on Thursday you will be out drinking with your butcher friend.

You love being in a crowd and are quite a party animal. Normally, some people will feel uncomfortable if they are left alone in a party where they don't know anyone. But not you, the curious and sociable Horse. Meeting new friends makes your heart run wild, and the larger the party, the more strangers, the better. Perhaps this is why you can usually be seen at such events as concerts, plays, meetings, and sporting events. Comfortable in a crowd and talkative, you are indeed quite a persuasive speaker. Talented and convincing, you are the kind of person who is not afraid to speak up. And you are too honorable and candid to back down when facing unfairness.

It follows, then, that you are the kind of person who will stop when you see a car accident. After calling for help, you will probably listen to both sides of the story, then start making your own comments and conclusions. Before anyone notices, you will actually be lecturing to a small crowd about road safety and the law. Impulsive as you appear, you know how to sway your audience and when it is the right time to stop for applause – thus demonstrating your forthrightness and talent as a natural public speaker.

You are very keen and observant, and you always seem one step ahead of anyone else and can finish their thoughts before they have a chance to finish them. Nevertheless, in truth you recognize that you are really more cunning than intelligent. That is probably why you desire to project a confident exterior, but underneath, you feel somewhat insecure and confidential

You are very hardheaded and stubborn. Capable of instant mood swings and fiery temper, you can be very difficult to deal with sometimes. You resent any pressure or controls and hate to be cornered ,instead preferring to do things you own way. And when someone rubs you the wrong way, you do not wait patiently for the right moment to retaliate like the Snake; instead, you bite and kick and fight back without hesitation. Then often, you find yourself feeling remorse and regret for your quick temper and harsh words.

The Chinese believe that the horse is born to race and travel: therefore, all horses invariably leave home at a young age. Accordingly, you are the adventurous type and are fascinated by foreign cultures and lifestyles. Traveling is your number one hobby and you are always planning for your next trip. Freedom and independence are as important to you as air and water. Free-spirited and lively, you do not stay in one place for long; you need plenty of room to roam, and you cannot stand schedules, timetables, petty rules, and regulations. You simply don't have the patience or time.

Being born in the year of the horse, you have many contradictory aspect in your character. You are proud yet sweet-natured, confident yet insecure, arrogant yet modest, productive yet impatient, and in love relationships, jealous but tolerant. You need your independence but always long to belong to a group; you love to talk and persuade people but refuse to listen to to others. You crave intimacy but are afraid to be cornered and dependent. The truth is, no matter how integrated you seem to be, you still remain powerfully rebellious in your heart. And although you have boundless energy and ambition, nevertheless, you have a hard time belonging.

In matters of money and the heart, you seen hotblooded, hotheaded, and impatient, you are quite an egoist. To say it as bluntly as a horse would, you are simply quite selfish sometimes. It is very rare to see a horse listening to others' problems and offering advice, in reality; you are interested in problems only if they are your own. You are quite skilled at handling money and make a good financier. Unfortunately, you are also known for suddenly losing interest in something. When it comes to love, you can suddenly become weak and uncertain. A romantic at hear, you will give up everything just for love. But in love and money, you are so rebellious and impatient that you change your mind constantly and often lose interest in a project even before it is completed.

Most of the time you are cheerful, passionate and aromatic. A gifted sweet talker, you know how to capture a heart. Free-spirited and open-minded, no secret is safe with you because you always blurt it out accidentally. You are sporty and smart, and you enjoy physical and mental exercise. Creative and fun, adventurous and innovative; you are always ready to try new things. Challenges excite you, and it follows that routines simply bore you.

Most compatible with the Tiger and the Dog, the worst is the rat.

The Earth element can calm the busy Horse down a little bit. Unlike the other types of horses, the earth horse doesn't object so much to authority and is less flighty in general. They move slower than others and are cautious about every step. And because of their capricious nature about details, earth horses can be good investors or project managers who see things through from beginning to the end. Nevertheless, this cautious nature also makes them hesitant; they like to observe and consider every possibility before making a decision.

Jo the Bio-Pig ('71)

Sabrina Liao (Chinese Astrology)
Pig people are one of the rare gems amount the twelve animal signs. Unlike West culture, which associates pigs with laziness and sloppiness, Chinese astrology sees pigs as some of the most sincere and genuine people. You are the type of person everyone admires most, and many friends consider you some of the nicest, most loving and caring people around.

You are generous, affectionate, and sensual to a fault; it is no wonder you are quite popular among friends. People born in the year of pig have a heart of gold. You are the ones leaned on when people need a shoulder to cry on, the counselor called upon when sincere advice is need,and the one who'll always give a helping hand to those who need you. No wonder the Chinese zodiac defines pig people as the best friends anyone can have.

You are quite famous for your hospitality. “To love, to give, and to share” is probably the motto you've lived by. Since childhood, you've had an innocent outlook on life – you truly believe the best of mankind and refuse to see otherwise No one, not even serial killers, can sway you from your belief In the basic good-hearted nature of all mena and women. Truthfully, no matter how old you are, you will l probably stay just as naive and good-hearted.

Sometimes, people can't help but wonder if you really exist because you seem to good to be true. Born under the sign of honesty, you are incapable of telling a lie. Even if you think about lying, your conscience will force you to tell the truth. And when you absolutely must tell a “white lie,” the guilt you feel inside will tear you apart for days. So you think and trust like a saint, but you certainly don't live like one. Social events and parties are the favorite activities for the fun-loving pig like you. Truly, no party will be complete without the warm, amusing pig. Better yet, you definitely know how to throw a good party as its spectacular host or hostess.

You are quite self-indulgent when it comes to your own needs. You don't worry about spending money. Actually, your lifestyle can be quite extravagant, enjoying expensive furniture and fancy sports cars. You know how to have a good time and constantly seek pleasure. Pleasuring your senses – for instance, eating Haag en-Dazs ice cream, lobster, and after-dinner chocolates – is important to you. As someone who was born in the year of the pig your hefty appetite should not surprise you. But pig people do not stuff themselves with greasy food like hamburgers and fries. You prefer dining in the best restaurants in town. And even if you do overeat, at least you eat with good taste. You're quite picky about the quality of the food, which fits with your strong sense of luxury.

However, most of the time, as a pig person you feel that it is your responsibility to keep everyone happy, which is probably why you are quite bad in the art of saying “no” to others. Admit it, you were probably crowned “Mr. Nice guy” or miss nice girl” in high school. You often sacrifice your won happiness, interests, and comfort for the sake of someone else. Your friends often put their trust in you because they know you wont' let them down. Pig people are easy going and honest, and simply want everything to be done right.

You are a caring friend, so if you invite someone into your circle, he or she will be in for a lifetime of a loyal, faithful, and giving friendship. For those lucky friends or the pig, remember never to try to force your opinion on a pig. A pig rarely asks for help and can't graciously accept it. You can be really stubborn. Once you've made up your mind on something, it is unlikely anyone or anything can change your mind.

Everyone knows you are naive but your innocence can sometimes exceed imagination. Unfortunately, because of your trusting nature, many people take advantage of you. You may often find yourself being deceived, disappointed, swindled, and hurt. But your biggest problem is that you forgive too easily. If friends hurt your feelings, you will find all kinds of excuses for their behavior right away, and if this happens too often, then you will think it is your fault instead of theirs. You are often more forgiving of others than of yourself. Sensual and affectionate as you seem, it is not wise to rub you the wrong way. If a pig is being forced into a corner, he or she can be extremely vengeful and will not hesitate to fight back. Luckily, the pig has a big heart and doesn't usually hold a grudge for long.

Like the monkey, you are intelligent, erudite, and have a great thirst for knowledge. You are th people who subscribe to dozens of magazines, from National Geographic to Newton, just so you can always be up-to-date. You don't usually say much-but when you do decide to speak, suddenly, nothing can stop you until you run out of subjects.

You are hardworking, optimistic, and determined, which is probably why you usually succeed in your career. In relationships, you are sensitive, sweet, caring though naive You are a romantic in heart and certainly the marrying kind. But on the negative side, you can also be possessive, and jealous.

Most compatible with the rabbit and the sheep; least with the snake.

The metal element makes people born under the pig sign more stubborn and ambitious. This type of big does not take failure or defeat gracefully. But don't worry, as an active doer with strength and intelligence, metal pig is never a quitter. The bio-pigs are sociable and popular and very affectionate and trusting toward their friends. You can literally read them like and open book, which is not always a good thing. Often betrayed by friends, the metal pigs need to realize that not all friends will return the same honesty and sincerity for their friendship.

Emotional Intuitive: Sherrie Dillard (Discover your psychic type)

Summer, Jo, and I took a quiz.  Jo scored the highest (hands down) on the Emotional.

Emotional intuitives have an innate sensitivity to the emotional states of others. This sensitivity can arouse strong feelings, causing emotionals to respond to others with devotion and care. But emotionals may also be confused and surprised by their reactions, unable to understand why it is they feel a certain way. They may also find that these feelings recede as quickly as they surface. Because emotionals receive psychic information through their emotions, they are the most prone to experiencing intense, unexplained feelings. Many emotionals for example, will feel a strong sense of sadness, anxiety, or fear prior to a tragic world event. They may wake up a night, stressed and worried, with no idea where their feelings have come from. They may feel uneasy or uncomfortable about an even, place, or situation, but have no concrete reason why. This is called emotional telepathy, the ability to have a sudden awareness of the pain, stress, trauma, or bliss that another might be experiencing. Emotionals may also have episodes of emotional clairvoyance, during which they experience a spontaneity image accompanied with intense feelings of dread or grief over a current or future traumatic or disturbing event. Many emotionals learn over time to push such feelings away. They try to shut down to avoid the psychic waves of emotion to which they are susceptible. But emotionals can also experience waves of warmth and bliss. They can ride on currents of love that carry them beyond the stresses of mundane life. Through awareness and growth, emotionals can begin to understand and work with their sometimes extreme and unpredictable emotional states, thereby learning to stay centered and focused instead of becoming emotionally weighted down. They can learn to interpret what they are receiving. The journey of the emotional is through the heart. Sometimes overwhelmed by a room full of people.


The emotionals are, unfortunately, the most likely to make errors in interpreting psychic information. At the same time, they rarely make errors when interpreting the feelings and emotions of others. Instead, they make errors because all to often their interpretive abilities are overrun by their concern and their care for others. They strive to help, heal, nurture, and love the sick, the wary, and those who suffer. Learning how to interpret psychic information is not always easy; for an emotional, it can be more difficult than for the other types. This is because emotional intuitives respond to energy emotionally, and the challenge for emotion-based people is to learn to interpret energy objectively. They must learn to interpret through heart-centered clarity. They can become adapt at shifting away from a powerless stance of absorbing emotional energy and into clear awareness.


Emotionals can suffer from allergies, chronic tiredness, and adrenal exhaustion, plus PMS and ovary and uterine problems. They all too often pull from their own physical reserves the energy needed to emotionally heal others, and they often believe they are not doing enough of others are not promptly healed. They need to take time to become aware of their own emotions. They need time away, retreat and solitude. Bud seldom will they take this self time. Emotionals and mantels need one another. An emotional needs to see the big picture and be less affected by others, whereas the mental intuitive needs the love and sensitivity that emotional intuitives generate so easily. An emotional works through the emotions and passion of the heart, and a mental intuitive can help them to understand the bigger picture.

Spiritual Intuitive

Same quiz, same people.  Summer and I scored very closed on the Spiritual and the Mental.  Mental overpowered this one, but just slightly.
Spiritual intuitives draw their strength and power from the intangible world. Drawing upon their tremendous supernatural resources, they give us the gift of transcendence, the ability to rise above the mundane. They offer us a glimpse into the cosmos. They know better than others that this world is temporary, and they wait and yearn for what lies beyond. Spiritual intuitives live in the world of cause and effect with the memory of perfection. They can soar with the angels and converse with the divine. They call us into our highest spiritual knowing. The journey of spirituals is that of enlightened freedom. They are learning to live in the midst of duality with the awareness of oneness and non-being, unattached and unencumbered. Their home is beyond the skies; they are here in the physical world as visitors. More than any other type of intuitive, spiritual intuitives are able to live in the present They have a natural tendency for spontaneity and can quickly immerse themselves in the experience of bliss, ecstasy, and pleasure. They often do not have a planned agenda, goal, or destination, but are here to experience what is. Not the what is of this world, but the what is of eternal truth. Unfortunately, spiritual intuitives can have difficulty managing daily life. Because they are attuned to no time and live primarily in the present, they can have trouble with the more routine aspects of life such as paying bills, showing up on time , and keeping track of paperwork. Where a mental intuitive finds meaning and mystery in patterns and trends, the spiritual may rebel, feeling restricted and limited by the probable. Spiritual intuitives want freedom and openness. They want to be able to shift, to change like chameleons. They are not attached to form of any kind. To the spiritual what you see it temporary and not what you will get. Reality is without form.


Spiritual intuitives often have rich dream lives. In their dreams they might travel to distant locations, communicate with those who have departed the physical world, or visit mystical realms. Because their spirit frequently rises into the etheric currents, they are likely to have precognitive dreams and visions, which they might not always be able to understand. They are also likely to enjoy astral travel, which is the ability to send the consciousness and soul-self outside of the physical body to distant places. Especially when they were young, many spiritual intuitives have had encounters with spiritual beings such as loved ones who have passed over – ghosts or spirit entities and guides. Spiritual intuitives are often able to see and communicate with the spiritual realms in a natural, matter-of-fact way. Spiritual intuitives are likely to be attracted to energy work such as Reiki and healing touch. They also enjoy toning, chanting, and deep trance work. Because they work well with others, you will often find spiritual intuitives in groups. They take naturally to community, tend not to be ego-centered, and they often seek out spiritual teachers and leaders. Unless they find this communicate and a sense of belonging in the world, they can become lonely and lost. Spirituals do not naturally bond with the physical. They need to seek out an identity and a purpose to give meaning to their lives. This means spiritual can have a difficult time using their intuitive gifts in the world of the here and now. Many spirituals will tell me that they do not know why they are here on earth. Some have told me that they feel as if there has been a cosmic mistake, they feel they belong in the beyond, peacefully soaring the cosmic currents.


Because spirituals access intuition more outside the physical body that the other types, they can experience elevated states of ecstasy and bliss, only to plunge into deep despair and indifference. They can also suffer from headaches, dizziness, and a lack of physical vitality, and if they do not establish a meaningful connection with the physical world, they can become depressed or apathetic. Because they intuit through their higher chakras, their seventh and higher chakras are highly developed. Their challenge is to pace themselves and live in the world of matter. Some spiritual intuitives suffer from attention deficit disorder (ADD); their consciousness may quickly flit from one thing to anther. They may be like butterflies, only needing to lightly touch and observe ideas, objects, people, and thoughts in order to absorb their energy. They then drift away, freely moving whenever the breeze may take them. Spirituals may also experience thyroid and other glandular issues. Part of the function of the thyroid gland is to regulate how energy is used by the body. The pituitary and pineal glands accept spiritual energy, the adrenal glands generate fuel for the physical body, and the thyroid receives energy from both of these glands and works to regular and nourish the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual systems. The spirituals may not, however, always know how to use the rich storehouse of available spiritual and psychic energy, and this failure can manifest in glandular and endocrine system imbalances. When energy has no path for expression, it can become static and overcharged. Spirituals can thus benefit from the physical intuitiveness's natural ability to ground and use energy through the body. Massage therapy, healing touch, and yoga can help the spirituals come into balance. Career counseling, dream analysis, and breath work may also be helpful.

Mental Intuitives

Summer, Jo, and I took the quiz in the book by Sherrie Dillard - just for fun. Summer and I scored highest on Mental Intuitives with Spiritual a close runner up.

For mental intuitives, the psychic spiritual journey is through the mind. This path leads them through the conscious, the unconscious, and then in to the super consciousness – the awareness that leads to divine wisdom, knowing, and being one with the thoughts of God. Mental intuitives have an innate desire to understand. Wisdom calls out to them, sending them impressions, beckoning to them to seek truth above all else. Mental intuitives are constantly being prodded from the depths of knowledge and intelligence. Their challenge is to transform their thinking from ego to enlightenment, to become one with the mind of God. The mind is energy. It's soul. It is continuously reflecting the divine spirit through thought, belief, and wisdom. Mental intuitive are thus attracted to knowledge and have a thirst to know, to learn, to expand their minds. Many are attracted to philosophy, science, and the various spiritual and religious schools of thought and metaphysics. Because their desire is to know, they love to study and discuss theories of creation, evolution, and existence on all levels. Their desire is to know humanity, to know God, to know what is. They are often systems-oriented, and can intuit logic, predict patterns, and perceive the whole. They also love to gather evidence and data to support their beliefs. Mental intuitive are drawn to astrology, numerology, healing though advanced technology, writing, and inventing. They are naturally mentally telepathic, as they have the gift of being able to receive the thoughts and ideas of others. They are inquisitive and can inspire others to believe and work toward improving conditions and issues on local and global problems. Mental intuitive can also be prophets who foretell the future of cultural, medical, and scientific trends and developments, and are thus drawn to work in these fields. They may be the first to invent or use evolutionary scientific or healing instruments. They may be at the forefront of medical advances. Their minds can be fully tuned to the super consciousness, absorbing truth and possibility. They are creators of the hope and promise that are advancing us into higher levels of wisdom.

The challenges

The mental intuitive, like all intuitive types, must work toward balance. When not in balance, mental intuitive can be viewed as geniuses, but slightly nutty, as they might not be able to communicate their ideas and thoughts to others. Mental intuitive can also become overwhelmed by their own thoughts. When our beliefs are not challenged, when we trust our small self to lead the way, we can create limitations and negativity. It is essential for a mental to receive thoughts from a higher source. The mind is a reflective pool that can become imbued with divine ideas and enlightened views. The mind can also become a cesspool of limited thoughts and restrictions. A regular meditation practice can be the conduit for a mental to fill his or her potential. These people must also guard against relying excessively on their thought processes. An open mind is much more beneficial than one that is constantly in thinking mode. Being able to quiet the mind and receive divine illumination will bring the mental to the rich inner garden of inner peace and joy. For many reason, mental intuitive are the most prominent psychics and metaphysicians in our culture. Mentals study paranormal phenomena, write books, advance the scientific approach, and argue for or against psychic validity. Working primarily though the sixth chakra, mental intuitives can be strong intellectuals and visionaries who can predict and intuit the future better than most of the types. They are in tune with the vibration of knowledge past, present, and future, along with the ageless wisdom of the higher realms. They may quickly receive insight into how to solve problems and issues that plague the planet. It is not unusual for a mental intuitive to have an instantaneous knowledge of the universal laws and the connections between science and spirituality. Mentals are often driven to manifest their ideas and visions in the physical world. They can have wonderful visions of events, odd inventions, even advanced cultures and technologies. If these ideas are infused with the energy of unconditional love and harmony of the emotional intuitive, they can be of true benefit to the world.

The Body

Someone who reads energy through the mind is likely to be prone to muscle tensions and stress. They might also suffer with panic, anxiety, insomnia, headaches, and sinus issues. The mind overloaded with energy may also inhibit decision-making and direct experience. The sixth chakra, located in the head, can become overstimulated and overworked. Mentals tend to be hard on themselves. They can place unrealistic expectations on what they can accomplish, often pushing themselves beyond what is reasonable. Physical exercise can help mental intuitives unwind and clear out their thoughts and reduce stress. They will often have a difficult time sitting in meditation. Their very active minds can find it hard to settle down in silence they will therefore benefit from a more active meditation, such as yoga or quiet walking in nature. When mentals become out of balance, they can feel isolated and undervalued. They can contribute so much and at the same time feel so little self-appreciation. They need love—spiritual love, romantic love, the love of friends and family. This is their balance, to give and to receive through the heart, but that can seem so indulgent to mental intuitives. Why feel, they ask, when you can contribute in a real way? They also can get hooked into finding proof, and the need to believe something is true only if it makes sense to their minds. Mentals are on a path of transformation of consciousness, and their task is to open their minds to divine illumination and to fuse their individuality with the all-knowing of God and to become one with Divine Mind. Because their thought processes can be so well-developed, mental intuitives must discipline themselves to become open vessels receiving the finely tuned, soothing vibrations from the higher mind, instead of just recycling their own thoughts and biases. Their greatest gift, the mind, is their path to spiritual freedom and realization. Along the way, they may prod us, astound us, even provoke us to new levels of knowledge. Mentals are always leading us to greater understanding and awareness of the world that we live in.

The lady fire Snake 1977

The lady snake is always attractive. She often glides through the room with a acool demeanor and certain grace. Her style and beauty are undeniable and her taste in fashion is often admired. It is not a surprise that many men are instantly captivated by her after one glance. And just like the Medusa who lured young men to her cave and turned them into stone, the lady Snake can turn any young man into a lovesick puppy.

Although guys line up just to have a dance with her at a party, lady Snake chooses her partner carefully. For her, only the best will do. He must be attractive, polite, and intelligent. Once she locks her eyes on someone, she will not let anyone or anything stand in her way.

Lady Snake is witty and humorous and quite popular among her female friends as well. She is amiable and sensual and always shows her compassion and sympathy. As a shrewd thinker, she gives great advice and knows just how to help you get out of a sticky situation.

Luckily, even with her image as a seducer, the family Snake is more faithful that the male Snake. She can be flirtatious occasionally, but she knows not to cross the line and get into trouble. Nevertheless, Snake woman is know for her jealousy and possessiveness. Even if there is no affection left anymore, she will see the partner is her property.

Born with a sixth sense, the Snake lady is keen and observant. Her mysterious psychic feelings are usually right on target. Determined and thoughtful, she does not waste time on the useless chitchat and always goes straight to her point. Once she sets her goal, nothing can stop her from going after it.

Snake lady is uncannily perceptive. She takes failure personally and will always remember how others treat her. If someone did her a big favor, she will make a not of it and find the right time to show her appreciation. On the other hand, if someone rubs her the wrong way, you can be sure that she will wait and calculate, and finally retaliate with a vengeance.

Snakes are efficient people. They are clever and capable and do not like to waste time. They lik to plan and calculate everything ahead, and then proceed in the most cost – and time-effective way.

They can be counted on to carry a project through to its end, although Snakes are not known for having long projects. They can make decisions quickly and firmly and once they've made up their minds, Snakes will fight hard for anything they believe and allow nothing to stand in their way.

Calculating and mysterious, Snakes know exactly how to eliminate the competition quietly. They are very confident and rely heavily on their intuition. Logic and facts do not mean much to them because the only thing they believe in is themselves.

As a boss, the Snake has certain expectations of their staffs. Disliking changes and insecurity, the Snakes will train the staff well in hopes of keeping them for years. And because of their suspicious nature. Snakes will only depend on a very few key people and usually trust no one to run the company for them.

As a partner, the Snake is cautious and suspicious. They do not form partnerships easily, and when they decide to do so, they will surely be doing tons of investigation before they sign that little piece of paper. But the good news is once they commit to the partnership, they will be extremely devoted and make sure to see that the project succeeds till the end.

As a colleague, the Snake is considerate and sensitive. They do not like to pry into coworkers' lives and often work successfully in a team environment. Snakes are good counselors, but they don't offer their advice voluntarily; instead, they like to be quiet and observant, collecting information that they exchange with not one. Always looking out for an opportunity, the Snakes know how to showcase their talents for the right promotion or get themselves noticed.

Generally speaking, with their great intelligence and diplomatic skills, Snakes will do well in politics.

Snakes get along best with Roosters and Ox. They can not stand Pigs.

The fire element, added to the Snakes' natural Fire element, makes the Fire Snakes dynamic people. Many Fire Snakes end up as politicians because they are full of charisma and energy and show extreme confidence and leadership, which make people run to vote for them. Intensive and passionate,, Fire Snakes express their extreme emotion to both their lovers and their enemies. Like most Snakes, the Fire Snake is suspicious and insecure by nature and doesn't trust people readily. Nevertheless, their hunger for power and fame and their intelligence and ambition always take them to the top.

I'm fey

I have a symbol on my door this time. It is a wavy circle with crisscrossing lines through it – much like a dream catcher. I noticed that the center of this symbol had a handle/knob so I pulled it causing the symbol to stretch and become 3d. It looked some what like an earth with latitude and longitude lines on it.

In the door done the hall, one of the cubical was glowing. Upon entering I saw a beautiful gown of blue velvet and another of green velvet. There was a cream silk under coat. The gowns were long sleeved, laced in the front around the ribs and split upon at the waist to show the undercoat. It was lined in spun gold and the other of silver.

A man's shoe? Lay on a shelf along with a few sprigs of trees/leaves – like holly. There were no toys or child like items. There was a diary though – hard leather bound.

The painting on the wall was a romantic like depiction of an woman (think mid-summers night). This woman was willowy and beautiful, long blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin, full of grace. She was wearing the blue gown and on her head a circlet. In her hand she held a tall staff – power symbol.

I began to read the diary

“Today was like any other day. Men wooing, using, and discarding. Humans get so boring. I show myself and they instantly fall in love. They write poems and songs, bring gifts, express undying love, stop eating and sleeping, and moan all the days until they see me again. Pitiful, really. Oh how I long for just one to keep my attention. I am beginning to cycle through them much faster now.”
Flip the page
“I've found one! He is the one! He's so handsome! Surely he will keep my attention. He's the one! I spied him at a lake. The best part is he can't see me. He didn't' even know I was there. I will return to him soon. I found that he is attached to a human girl already, but I plan to show myself to him.”
Flip the page
“He was able to see me when I showed myself. He is to return to the lake tonight. He will bring the bread and the cheese. I will pull him under to join us in the new realm. Humorous that the humans see us as evil. Yes we pull them under the waters, but it is not to their death. They live with us on the other side. It is only when their usefulness has a bated that they will be returned or disposed of.”
Flip the page
“He came with the bread and cheese and set them afloat in the lake. He saw me rise out of the water and walk to him. He was awestruck by my beauty. I saw behind him that his woman was running down the hill after him with tears in her eyes and his name on her lips. She looked and saw me as a beautiful woman afloat in a swan boat. He didn't even look back at her. For some reason I felt her pain. Pain? How can that be? Anger overcame me and I killed them both. So he wasn't the one – of course a human wouldn't be. Aw well.”
Flip the page
“At the customary dance, a new (clan ?) showed. A horned man danced with me all night. I found him quite entertaining. (the rest is not written just known...) He is young and horned like a stag with brown shoulder lengthen hair. He is going to stay with me. He has a curse on him in which he becomes a stag to return to this form once a month on the full moon. He's the one.”
Flip the page
The rest of the pages were empty. At this point my attention was drawn to the painting which began to blur and become a painting with a Victorian flair. A horned man and the blond woman were kneeling, heads bowed, in front on another man. They were dressed in the best most beautiful clothing. A wedding.


A great red stag walks through the forest at night. Perched on his back side saddle is the blond in the green gown. She talks to him, his ear cocked in attention.


Under the light of the full moon they dance, sing, and eat with others


The blond walks next to the stag during the day in the woods. They approach a pool to drink. She spies a hunter in brown using the trees as cover. He has his bow cocked and about to fire. She shows herself to him and raises her own bow. But she didn't have to fire for the man in horror bowed his head and took to running quickly away.


Under the light of the full moon the man and woman make love.


As time went by she found it harder and harder to show herself to anyone. Soon she could not. As time went by she found that her arrows didn't hit her marks anymore – but went through the target like it wasn't even there.


A man behind the tree, bow drawn. The blond sees it all and panics, screams, shoots the hunter with her own bow. But nothing happens. He can't hear her, or see her, and her arrow goes through him as if he were not there at all. The hunter releases his arrow which flies quickly to it's mark, stopping the stag in his tracks. Shot through the heart, the stag looks to the woman and lays down to die.


Heart broken from her lost love and realizing that she doesn't exist if humans don't believe in her, she dissipates and does not become.

The Invisible Man

full moon ---- dream – detailed and not easily forgotten.

There was once a man that was blind. He walked with a black stick – tapping his way around. Everyday he took the same route down the same steps. The steps were wooden so the click-clicking of his stick could be heard every morning. Click, click down a set of steps to a landing, turn right one step, and click, click down another set toward another landing, turn right one step......

It was this click-clicking that warned another that too used the same set of stairs at the same time everyday. Though he could see just fine, no one else could see him. He was invisible save for the black derby cap he sported. He met the blind man with a stick on the first landing just like clockwork. He knew the blind man could not see him – he was used to no being seen. So on his way up, he would press himself against the wall out of the way on that first landing. The invisible man let the blind man take his one step and turn to the right before continuing on his way.

One day the blind man stopped and said “I know you are there and have been there every day”. The invisible man was shocked speechless. Here he was used to not being seen and it is a blind man – that can not see – that can truly see. The irony. Because no one answered, the blind man turned his one step and continued down the steps.

This continued for years. Though the blind man stopped periodically and said “I know you are there” or asked a question. The invisible man could never bring himself to speak and reveal his existence. Even if to just confirm a blind of his suspicions.

One day the invisible man with the black derby got to the first landing, and stepped up against the wall before realizing that he had not heard the click-clicking of the blind man's stick. Deep in thought the invisible man continued on his way. The same happened on the second day and again on the third.

The blind man was getting a procedure done and was recovering well with excellent results. In fact he recovered 40% of his sight. Soon he was walking again but used his stick more out of habit and as a security crutch than out of necessity.

Down the set of steps the not-so-blind man went and to his surprised saw a black derby hat floating by the wall. The blind man stopped and ask “is any one there?”; fore he knew that it was the same presence that was there every day for years, but had no proof. To which he got the normal reply of silence. The not-so blind man now believed that his procedure was failing as it is not possible for a hat to float on it's own and he had no choice but to believe his eyes. How dare this hat damage and debase his miracle of sight? Surely it had to be evil. He formulated a plan. He would take care of this abomination and destroy it.

The next morning he pretended to tap his way down the steps until he was walking past the floating derby. The not-so-blind man stabbed out with a hidden knife and plunged the blade into.....nothing but the wall. Confused, the blind man stared at the wall – empty for all but a derby hat, stapled to the plaster and his knife buried to the hilt where the derby hat should've sat on a head.

He was tricked! The invisible man knew the blind man's heart and protected himself from an untimely death. Upon the blind man's approach, the invisible man attached his hat to the wall and slipped away. It was in that second of realization that panic struck. The not-so-blind man's heart thundered and his breath quickened. He turn knowing he was out smarted and would pay the price. He had time to see a floating knife sink into his chest. To have sight only to see himself for who he really was and to see his own end.

The Phoenix Gate

Decided to have a special meditation with bath. Frankincense salt was added to hot water. A touch of apple cider vinegar and lavender oil. I lit candles to Kwan Yin (which statue came in the mail yesterday and I decided to dedicate the statue before the bath commenced). Lotus flowers came too. I floated an orange and a purple but left the pink out. Nag Champa was the incense I chose. I chose none of these save the salt and vinegar (thank you Summer). The apple cider preference was mine.


After the dedication I began my bath with Kwan Yin watching by my side. I was trying too hard and focusing on the wrong thing. As soon as I relaxed and let my mind go where it needed, I had a vision.
Gates pasted in front of me. I was instructed to choose a gate – which ever felt right at the time. The first gate of decorated wood carved flowers passed. Next a wrought iron gate with curled Victorian style motif. Then a dragon of the Vikings gate. The very next gate I chose. A bronze gate with a crowned bird aflame on it. The bird came to life and flew from the gate. It was not a bird of fire – a phoenix, but a peacock. It pushed the gate open a bit and flew inside. I put my hand on the gate to push it open more and allow myself to pass and I noticed that the bird on the front was still carved there and it was not a phoenix and more, nor a peacock, but some other crowned bird. (which I know now is a crowned crane).

I became this other crowned bird. I looked at my feed and they were webbed. I was outraged and appalled, those were not my feet! I was NOT webbed. They flashed back and forth a bit. I looked up and there is a road in front of me. It was broad, straight and inviting. It was also blue. Along the path on both sides were vibrant pink bushes. The foliage, flowers and stems – all pink.
Down the path I strolled. I felt a change and got another look of myself. I was no longer as vibrant as a phoenix nor as beautiful as the peacock nor as majestic as the crane, but a lowly, ugly emu/ostrich. I began to run. That is the nature of the ostrich – fear and run.

Then I was shown flame. A brilliant blue the color of a clean clear river straight from a glacier burned in front of me. I saw with not my eyes but with my being. “blue flame engulfs” the voice from before said.
The flame then turned a rich royal purple. “Purple flame revitalizes” the voice continued.
It was at this point that I “lost control” and visited various people in various forms with various messages of which none I can remember – but one. A woman with three faces and in her hand, a new born phoenix.

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